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Provisional results of T-4 capacity auction in Ireland

09 Nov 2023

All of SSE’s generation units which participated in the recent T-4 Capacity Auction in Ireland have provisionally secured contracts for the delivery year 2027/28.

In total, SSE has secured contracts for 545MW of de-rated electricity generation capacity. This includes SSE Thermal’s Great Island Power Station in Co. Wexford (347MW) and its two smaller peaker plants at Rhode in Co. Offaly (89MW) and Tawnaghmore in Co. Mayo (90MW). It also includes contracts secured by SSE Renewables for 20MW of onshore wind capacity*.

These provisional results are subject to approval by the Regulatory Authorities and are expected to be confirmed in December.

Through this latest T-4 auction, the System Operators have provisionally awarded a total of 5,469MW of capacity contracts to electricity generators and demand side response units at an auction clearing price of €106,666/MW. This auction relates to the capacity year 2027/28, which runs from 30 September 2027 to 30 September 2028.

In the previous T-4 auction, SSE Thermal secured 10-year contracts commencing in the 2026/27 delivery year for new power stations running on sustainable biofuels at its existing Tarbert site in Co. Kerry and at Platin in Co. Meath.

Catherine Raw, Managing Director of SSE Thermal said: “These capacity contracts will help to ensure our assets continue to play their part in keeping the lights on in Ireland. At the same time, we continue to develop new plants at Tarbert and Platin which will also support security of supply while providing a bridge to a low-carbon future.”

*All volumes include a de-rating factor applied in accordance with the rules set by the System Operators and approved by the Regulatory Authorities.